Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ultrasound at 5 weeks 4 days

After making several calls to area OBGYN's and not being able to get an appointment for weeks, I called the Community Midwives and to my surprise, they were able to see me that very next week. I explained that I wasnt quite sure how far along I was, and so she scheduled and ultrasound for the day before my appointment with her.

Tuesday June 15th arrived, and it felt like forever waiting for 3:15pm arrive. Rob got the time off work and we met up at the clinic. Not sure what to expect, we were slightly disappointed when they wouldn't allow Rob in the room right away. She explained that she wanted to check things out first and then she would come and get him.

I lay on the table with dozens of questions spewing out of my mouth. "Will you tell me if everything is ok?" "Will I be able to see the screen" "Can I get a picture?" She explained once again that she would check out things quietly and then give me the play by play.

The ultrasound starts and within seconds she explains that its just to early to get a clear picture. I'm measuring just over 5 weeks and at that point a baby isn't visible. She says in order to get better measurements, she will have to do a trans vaginal ultrasound, and because this is more in depth, she wont have time to go and get Rob or let him see.

She lets me empty my bladder (thank goodness) and then preforms and internal ultrasound with a little wand, allowing her to get right underneath the uterus. She again explains that its just to early in the pregnancy to see a fetus or a heartbeat. There was a gestational sac and the beginnings of a yolk sac which the baby will feed off of for awhile. She says it appears that I'm about 5 weeks and 4 days along and that at this point in the pregnancy everything looks fine. My midwife should receive the report in a few days and that they will decide when to do another ultrasound.

I return to the waiting room and let Rob know what the tech had told me and why he wasn't able to enter. The tech was able to print off 2 pictures for us, so at least he got to see those. We were the two proudest parents leaving that clinic that day. Beaming from ear to ear, that a little bun was indeed growing inside of me.