Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Whenever a friend or family member finds out I'm pregnant the first question they seem to ask is how I'm feeling. Honestly I feel I've been fairly lucky. So far there really hasn't been any morning sickness. I've had a little queasiness here and there and I had one moment a few days ago, that struck while I was in the car driving across town, really not a convenient time, but that's been it in the morning sickness sense.

The majority of my aches and pains comes in the form of cramping. Most often as soon as I lay down in bed to go to sleep for the night, my cramps start acting up. One night in particular they woke me up at 3am. They aren't really that painful, more like light period cramps, but it is enough of a nuisance that I'm not able to get to sleep. I was a little concerned about this the first few times, and have repeatedly run to the bathroom to make sure there was no spotting along with it (which there hasn't been) but after reading a few books and doing some research online, I've learned that its completely normal since your uterus is growing on a daily basis. Heck in the last 2 weeks it has doubled in size and still has a long way to go.

The other symptoms I have tend to plague every pregnant woman. Tiredness... I'm always tired. Well that's not entirely true. I'm exhausted during the day, as in wake up at 10am, and am having a nap by noon, but then I cant fall asleep at night. I lay in bed from 11pm until 1 or 2 in the morning just trying to get to sleep. The nighttime insomnia has allowed me to catch up on some reading and keep up to date on my friends facebook status, but what I wouldn't give for a solid nights sleep. As soon as I do get to sleep at night, its almost every 2 hours I need to get up to pee... another symptom, the tiny bladder that needs emptying every 30 mins during the day.

Those are the main issues, the sore boobs, small bladder, bloated feeling and achy back are pretty common complaints and really nothing to hard to handle. Everyone says "get used to it cause its going to get worse", and I look at that like a badge of honour. There are some remarkable things occurring inside me on a daily basis and all the aches and pains really translate into peace of mind, as I know things are progressing and I'm one step closer to meeting Baby James :)