The morning of June 7th 2010 changed everything. After experiencing some odd dreams and forgetfulness, along with having to pee every 30 mins, my friend urged me to take a pregnancy test as he was convinced I was knocked up.
I had been trying to conceive for well over 2 years in a previous marriage with no luck, and after being diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovaries in January, any hope for an easy or unassisted conception seemed out of the question. At this time in my life, I had gone back on the birth control pill, and was just taking a break and enjoying my new and wonderful relationship with Rob.
That Monday morning, before hopping in the shower, I decided to humour my dear friend and pee on a stick. After years of getting only 1 line back on the test, I was shocked and in awe that this time 2 little pink lines had showed up. I didn't believe it. Quite honestly I had no idea how it could have happened. I was on the pill and even if I had slipped up, the likely hood of me ovulating was rare. Convinced that the test was a fluke, I ran across the street to Shopper's drug mart and bought a twin pack of First response. Again, within seconds, 2 pink lines!
I couldn't deny it any longer, I was pregnant. I had a brief moment of panic and contacted my best friend to seek her advice. I wasn't entirely sure how to tell Rob, as this wasn't entirely planned, not that it wasn't wanted, but it was a little earlier than we were thinking of. My best friend convinced me that the best thing to do was just tell him. I messaged him and he called moments later. Not sure how to say it, the words just spilled out of my mouth. To my pleasant surprise he was excited and incredibly supportive. Never once did he pause or question it, he was over joyed and told me everything was going to be alright and he was thrilled that we were pregnant. That was that, we were having a baby!