We we arrived home with Alison she was strapped in her car seat. Jake ran right passed me and was eager to say hello. Rob put the car seat on the ground and we bent down to introduce them to each other. As expected her started sniffing and then kissing her wherever he could. To our surprise Ali wasn't bothered in the least. Didn't even seem to notice to be honest.
His tail was going a mile a minute as we took her out of the seat and into her room. I sat in the rocker with her and Jake was able to come sniff out this new visitor.
He has done remarkable well today. The initial excitement has worn off a little but he is already helping me with her. Whenever she starts crying in her room, he will run and find me as if to say "mom go help her!" When I sit and nurse her, he curls up at my feet and even when it was bath time, he sat and watched me clean her up.
He's an incredibly smart dog and I am happy that things are adjusting so well. Alison doesn't appear to be having any reactions to him allergy wise, so it looks like a beautiful friendship is hatching before my very eyes. I really look forward to them growing up together.