Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Modern medicine fails

As per my previous posts, Ali has been battling a horrible diaper rash pretty much since birth. We have gone to the doctor twice and were applying an anti-fungal cream as well a steroid ointment. The rash would clear up for a day and then come back worse than before. She was screaming anytime she had to poop and her bum was so red and raw that I hated having to wipe her clean as she would always cry.

Fed up and frustrated, I turned to the internet for other ideas. At this point I had tried changing diaper, wipes, all different kinds of diaper rash cream and left her naked for days on end... Nothing worked. The internet was filled with people battling the same thing but no one seemed to have the magic cure.

I had also noticed she had become quite acidic. Her stools had an odd odor to them. I decided to call the naturopath in town to see what they would suggest. Apparently the "acid" problem was in fact caused by anti-fungal creams. The very thing the doctor told me to use was causing a Dr worse issue.

The owner of the natural store in town gave me a sample of a cream called mayan magic and a tub of acidophilis yogurt. I was to rub the yogurt on her butt every diaper change throughout the day and then apply the mayan magic at night. She told me I'd see a change pretty much immediately.

I was skeptical but not in a position to argue so I tried it. The next morning, literally, her butt was about 75% better. I stuck with it and she had a normal looking bum by day 2. I didn't want to get to excited because we have had this false hope before, but now its been an entire week and she hasn't had one single trace of a rash. The acid in her poop is gone. She no longer screams when going to the bathroom or when I wipe her clean.

I am now a believer that maybe modern medicine isn't always the answer. I'll be sticking with this mayan magic cream for as long as she is in diapers and recommending it to anyone with a diaper rash problem!