Whenever a friend or family member finds out I'm pregnant the first question they seem to ask is how I'm feeling. Honestly I feel I've been fairly lucky. So far there really hasn't been any morning sickness. I've had a little queasiness here and there and I had one moment a few days ago, that struck while I was in the car driving across town, really not a convenient time, but that's been it in the morning sickness sense.
The majority of my aches and pains comes in the form of cramping. Most often as soon as I lay down in bed to go to sleep for the night, my cramps start acting up. One night in particular they woke me up at 3am. They aren't really that painful, more like light period cramps, but it is enough of a nuisance that I'm not able to get to sleep. I was a little concerned about this the first few times, and have repeatedly run to the bathroom to make sure there was no spotting along with it (which there hasn't been) but after reading a few books and doing some research online, I've learned that its completely normal since your uterus is growing on a daily basis. Heck in the last 2 weeks it has doubled in size and still has a long way to go.
The other symptoms I have tend to plague every pregnant woman. Tiredness... I'm always tired. Well that's not entirely true. I'm exhausted during the day, as in wake up at 10am, and am having a nap by noon, but then I cant fall asleep at night. I lay in bed from 11pm until 1 or 2 in the morning just trying to get to sleep. The nighttime insomnia has allowed me to catch up on some reading and keep up to date on my friends facebook status, but what I wouldn't give for a solid nights sleep. As soon as I do get to sleep at night, its almost every 2 hours I need to get up to pee... another symptom, the tiny bladder that needs emptying every 30 mins during the day.
Those are the main issues, the sore boobs, small bladder, bloated feeling and achy back are pretty common complaints and really nothing to hard to handle. Everyone says "get used to it cause its going to get worse", and I look at that like a badge of honour. There are some remarkable things occurring inside me on a daily basis and all the aches and pains really translate into peace of mind, as I know things are progressing and I'm one step closer to meeting Baby James :)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Ultrasound at 6 weeks 4 days
A week passed by so quickly it seems. I met with the midwife the day after my first ultrasound and things went well. She explained the entire process to me and made sure I understood that they were about informed decisions regarding every stage of pregnancy. From testing to pain management to home or hospital birth. I was particularly impressed with their post partum care. The team of 3 midwives are with you on the day of your birth and stay with you for 4 hours following to make sure you are comfortable being with and feeding the baby. Then they return within 24 hours to check in with you. Then over the next 10 days, they visit you and the baby at home 4 times. Then at the 2 week, 4 week and 6 week mark, you and the baby travel to the office for weigh-ins and to make sure everything is fine. Overall I was blown away by how easy it was to talk to them and how friendly and involved they were. She gave me a huge packet of brochures with things to read on pregnancy care, and some of the testing I could elect to have done.
The one thing she did mention to have done, was to call my family doctor and have him perform a blood test to check my progesterone levels, as a low level is a concern for miscarriages, but can be corrected if caught. I called and scheduled for the next day. I got the results returned to me this Monday and my level was 35. A normal level for a pregnant woman at 6 weeks is anywhere between 16 and 130. So I was fine. As long as its over 16, you really don't have to worry.
The midwife called me Monday afternoon and informed me that she received the ultrasound report from my first scan, and that because it was so early, they wanted to have another one done tomorrow. She mentioned that they couldn't see a heartbeat and that's really something you want to see to know your pregnancy is more viable.
After hanging up with her, my mind went to the worst places. "What if I go tomorrow and there still isn't a heart beat?" "What if its just an empty sac?" It was going to be a long 24 hour wait.
Having a horrible nights sleep, and waking up with an uneasy stomach due to nerves, 230pm finally rolled around. We new Rob wouldn't be allowed in because it was going to be another internal ultrasound, he patiently waited at work while I went to the appointment.
I check in and am ushered to a room where I lay on the table waiting for the tech. This time the screen was more angled towards me and the second she inserted the scanner, I saw a lump in the sac. I excitedly cried "That's a baby!" She turned the screen further towards me and said yes, it indeed was a baby and then pointed at the screen, and said "that little flicker there is that heartbeat"..... I couldn't help myself. I wave of relief washed over me and the tears started to flow. I had worked myself up for nothing. The baby was there and the heart was beating...at 125 beats per minute to be exact!
She continued with the exam and took all kinds of measurements and in the end said everything looked perfect and healthy at this point in the pregnancy. She printed off 3 pictures so that I could show them to Rob.
When I got out, I called him and he quite blatantly told me "I told you so!" He never wavered for a second when the midwife called. He didn't spend the night sleepless, or have his stomach in knots all day, he knew this baby was perfectly fine.
Needless to say, I'm so happy. Now that a heartbeat has been confirmed the risk of miscarriage drops significantly and now we just have to make it to 12 weeks to really spread the news.
Its finally sinking in, We're having a baby! There's a heartbeat! Its a little person in side me. I can't wait to meet him/her! Hurry up February!

The one thing she did mention to have done, was to call my family doctor and have him perform a blood test to check my progesterone levels, as a low level is a concern for miscarriages, but can be corrected if caught. I called and scheduled for the next day. I got the results returned to me this Monday and my level was 35. A normal level for a pregnant woman at 6 weeks is anywhere between 16 and 130. So I was fine. As long as its over 16, you really don't have to worry.
The midwife called me Monday afternoon and informed me that she received the ultrasound report from my first scan, and that because it was so early, they wanted to have another one done tomorrow. She mentioned that they couldn't see a heartbeat and that's really something you want to see to know your pregnancy is more viable.
After hanging up with her, my mind went to the worst places. "What if I go tomorrow and there still isn't a heart beat?" "What if its just an empty sac?" It was going to be a long 24 hour wait.
Having a horrible nights sleep, and waking up with an uneasy stomach due to nerves, 230pm finally rolled around. We new Rob wouldn't be allowed in because it was going to be another internal ultrasound, he patiently waited at work while I went to the appointment.
I check in and am ushered to a room where I lay on the table waiting for the tech. This time the screen was more angled towards me and the second she inserted the scanner, I saw a lump in the sac. I excitedly cried "That's a baby!" She turned the screen further towards me and said yes, it indeed was a baby and then pointed at the screen, and said "that little flicker there is that heartbeat"..... I couldn't help myself. I wave of relief washed over me and the tears started to flow. I had worked myself up for nothing. The baby was there and the heart was beating...at 125 beats per minute to be exact!
She continued with the exam and took all kinds of measurements and in the end said everything looked perfect and healthy at this point in the pregnancy. She printed off 3 pictures so that I could show them to Rob.
When I got out, I called him and he quite blatantly told me "I told you so!" He never wavered for a second when the midwife called. He didn't spend the night sleepless, or have his stomach in knots all day, he knew this baby was perfectly fine.
Needless to say, I'm so happy. Now that a heartbeat has been confirmed the risk of miscarriage drops significantly and now we just have to make it to 12 weeks to really spread the news.
Its finally sinking in, We're having a baby! There's a heartbeat! Its a little person in side me. I can't wait to meet him/her! Hurry up February!

Ultrasound at 5 weeks 4 days
After making several calls to area OBGYN's and not being able to get an appointment for weeks, I called the Community Midwives and to my surprise, they were able to see me that very next week. I explained that I wasnt quite sure how far along I was, and so she scheduled and ultrasound for the day before my appointment with her.
Tuesday June 15th arrived, and it felt like forever waiting for 3:15pm arrive. Rob got the time off work and we met up at the clinic. Not sure what to expect, we were slightly disappointed when they wouldn't allow Rob in the room right away. She explained that she wanted to check things out first and then she would come and get him.
I lay on the table with dozens of questions spewing out of my mouth. "Will you tell me if everything is ok?" "Will I be able to see the screen" "Can I get a picture?" She explained once again that she would check out things quietly and then give me the play by play.
The ultrasound starts and within seconds she explains that its just to early to get a clear picture. I'm measuring just over 5 weeks and at that point a baby isn't visible. She says in order to get better measurements, she will have to do a trans vaginal ultrasound, and because this is more in depth, she wont have time to go and get Rob or let him see.
She lets me empty my bladder (thank goodness) and then preforms and internal ultrasound with a little wand, allowing her to get right underneath the uterus. She again explains that its just to early in the pregnancy to see a fetus or a heartbeat. There was a gestational sac and the beginnings of a yolk sac which the baby will feed off of for awhile. She says it appears that I'm about 5 weeks and 4 days along and that at this point in the pregnancy everything looks fine. My midwife should receive the report in a few days and that they will decide when to do another ultrasound.
I return to the waiting room and let Rob know what the tech had told me and why he wasn't able to enter. The tech was able to print off 2 pictures for us, so at least he got to see those. We were the two proudest parents leaving that clinic that day. Beaming from ear to ear, that a little bun was indeed growing inside of me.

Tuesday June 15th arrived, and it felt like forever waiting for 3:15pm arrive. Rob got the time off work and we met up at the clinic. Not sure what to expect, we were slightly disappointed when they wouldn't allow Rob in the room right away. She explained that she wanted to check things out first and then she would come and get him.
I lay on the table with dozens of questions spewing out of my mouth. "Will you tell me if everything is ok?" "Will I be able to see the screen" "Can I get a picture?" She explained once again that she would check out things quietly and then give me the play by play.
The ultrasound starts and within seconds she explains that its just to early to get a clear picture. I'm measuring just over 5 weeks and at that point a baby isn't visible. She says in order to get better measurements, she will have to do a trans vaginal ultrasound, and because this is more in depth, she wont have time to go and get Rob or let him see.
She lets me empty my bladder (thank goodness) and then preforms and internal ultrasound with a little wand, allowing her to get right underneath the uterus. She again explains that its just to early in the pregnancy to see a fetus or a heartbeat. There was a gestational sac and the beginnings of a yolk sac which the baby will feed off of for awhile. She says it appears that I'm about 5 weeks and 4 days along and that at this point in the pregnancy everything looks fine. My midwife should receive the report in a few days and that they will decide when to do another ultrasound.
I return to the waiting room and let Rob know what the tech had told me and why he wasn't able to enter. The tech was able to print off 2 pictures for us, so at least he got to see those. We were the two proudest parents leaving that clinic that day. Beaming from ear to ear, that a little bun was indeed growing inside of me.

Telling Mama
From the moment I told Rob, the next big decision to make was when to tell the parents. I know the general rule of thumb is to wait 3 months until you are in the so-called safety zone, where your risk of miscarriage drops drastically, but being that this was my first baby, and the fact that I never keep anything from my mother, we decided to tell her sooner rather than later.
Having found out on the Monday, my mom and step dad were already scheduled to come to our place on Friday for dinner. We thought they way they found out should be memorable. Having batted a few ideas back and froth we finally settled on putting the 2 first response tests inside a necklace jewelery box and presenting it to her as though he was receiving a gift for no particular reason.
When Mom arrived, and after the customary hellos, I told her I had something for her and handed her the box. I retreated to the kitchen because I couldn't watch. She opened the box and I heard nothing.... complete silence for at least 30 seconds, then her jaw dropped and tears filled her eyes and she came and gave me a hug.
Needless to say, she was thrilled. The conversation for the evening turned to talk of due dates and symptoms and plans for the baby's room. My mom has thought of this moment many times throughout my life, the time when her baby would be having a baby. I am very close to my mom and know that she will be there for me for anything I need. We made arrangements for her to attend my midwife appointment with me the following week as Rob couldn't get the day off work. I am really happy to be close enough in distance for her to come shopping with me and be there at the hospital when the baby is born and for any and every moment or hiccup in between.
Having found out on the Monday, my mom and step dad were already scheduled to come to our place on Friday for dinner. We thought they way they found out should be memorable. Having batted a few ideas back and froth we finally settled on putting the 2 first response tests inside a necklace jewelery box and presenting it to her as though he was receiving a gift for no particular reason.
When Mom arrived, and after the customary hellos, I told her I had something for her and handed her the box. I retreated to the kitchen because I couldn't watch. She opened the box and I heard nothing.... complete silence for at least 30 seconds, then her jaw dropped and tears filled her eyes and she came and gave me a hug.
Needless to say, she was thrilled. The conversation for the evening turned to talk of due dates and symptoms and plans for the baby's room. My mom has thought of this moment many times throughout my life, the time when her baby would be having a baby. I am very close to my mom and know that she will be there for me for anything I need. We made arrangements for her to attend my midwife appointment with me the following week as Rob couldn't get the day off work. I am really happy to be close enough in distance for her to come shopping with me and be there at the hospital when the baby is born and for any and every moment or hiccup in between.
Finding Out!
The morning of June 7th 2010 changed everything. After experiencing some odd dreams and forgetfulness, along with having to pee every 30 mins, my friend urged me to take a pregnancy test as he was convinced I was knocked up.
I had been trying to conceive for well over 2 years in a previous marriage with no luck, and after being diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovaries in January, any hope for an easy or unassisted conception seemed out of the question. At this time in my life, I had gone back on the birth control pill, and was just taking a break and enjoying my new and wonderful relationship with Rob.
That Monday morning, before hopping in the shower, I decided to humour my dear friend and pee on a stick. After years of getting only 1 line back on the test, I was shocked and in awe that this time 2 little pink lines had showed up. I didn't believe it. Quite honestly I had no idea how it could have happened. I was on the pill and even if I had slipped up, the likely hood of me ovulating was rare. Convinced that the test was a fluke, I ran across the street to Shopper's drug mart and bought a twin pack of First response. Again, within seconds, 2 pink lines!
I couldn't deny it any longer, I was pregnant. I had a brief moment of panic and contacted my best friend to seek her advice. I wasn't entirely sure how to tell Rob, as this wasn't entirely planned, not that it wasn't wanted, but it was a little earlier than we were thinking of. My best friend convinced me that the best thing to do was just tell him. I messaged him and he called moments later. Not sure how to say it, the words just spilled out of my mouth. To my pleasant surprise he was excited and incredibly supportive. Never once did he pause or question it, he was over joyed and told me everything was going to be alright and he was thrilled that we were pregnant. That was that, we were having a baby!
I had been trying to conceive for well over 2 years in a previous marriage with no luck, and after being diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovaries in January, any hope for an easy or unassisted conception seemed out of the question. At this time in my life, I had gone back on the birth control pill, and was just taking a break and enjoying my new and wonderful relationship with Rob.
That Monday morning, before hopping in the shower, I decided to humour my dear friend and pee on a stick. After years of getting only 1 line back on the test, I was shocked and in awe that this time 2 little pink lines had showed up. I didn't believe it. Quite honestly I had no idea how it could have happened. I was on the pill and even if I had slipped up, the likely hood of me ovulating was rare. Convinced that the test was a fluke, I ran across the street to Shopper's drug mart and bought a twin pack of First response. Again, within seconds, 2 pink lines!
I couldn't deny it any longer, I was pregnant. I had a brief moment of panic and contacted my best friend to seek her advice. I wasn't entirely sure how to tell Rob, as this wasn't entirely planned, not that it wasn't wanted, but it was a little earlier than we were thinking of. My best friend convinced me that the best thing to do was just tell him. I messaged him and he called moments later. Not sure how to say it, the words just spilled out of my mouth. To my pleasant surprise he was excited and incredibly supportive. Never once did he pause or question it, he was over joyed and told me everything was going to be alright and he was thrilled that we were pregnant. That was that, we were having a baby!
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