Today makes the countdown from triple to double digits. It seems like it took forever to get here and then looking forward, 100 days seems like barely any time at all! With Halloween literally around the corner and then Christmas sneaking up on us ever so quickly, its going to be New Years before we know it!
I had a check up with my OB on Tuesday. A few weeks ago I had to do the Glucose Challenge, in which you have to drink a disgusting beverage that tastes like flat orange pop in less than 5 mins, then wait around for an hour barely moving (since movement burns off sugar) and then get some blood drawn. This is to check to see if you're at risk for developing gestational diabetes. With a history of diabetes in my family I was particularly nervous about this test. (Mainly because it means I would have to cut our sweets and carbs, which seem to be my two favourite things lately) At the check-up on Tuesday he disclosed the results. I was 4.2 and you want to be under 7, so he said I'm in the clear.
As per every appointment, they took my weight and once again.... nothing... I haven't gained any weight since last month, so that still makes it only a 2 lb weight gain throughout my entire pregnancy so far. My OB's official medical advice was "go eat cake". (little does he know I baked a chocolate cake the night before and had an extra large serving) Once again he mentioned that the baby is growing and meeting all the stages on time, so there is nothing to worry about.
Aside from the regular check-in, Rob and I have been attending prenatal classes on Monday nights. Its a group of 7 couples (including us) and we are meeting for 7 weeks, covering topics like labour and delivery, how your relationship will change, financial challenges, medical interventions, etc. Its incredibly informative and not at all what you see on tv. We aren't sitting around with pillows learning how to huff and puff properly. Although they will touch on ways to make labour easier (massage, hot water bottles, breathing etc) its not the main focus of the class. Its more of an overall education of what to expect now and after the baby is born.
All the couples are due within 6 weeks of each other, and then we will continue meeting once a month for the following year so we can discuss the baby's growth stages and any struggles we are having as a couple or as new parents. We chose this course mainly for that purpose. It allows you to develop a support network of people who are going through the exact same thing at the exact same time. We've already made friends with a few of the couples in class and I'm looking forward to seeing what the next few classes brings.